If you are a victim or know of a victim who has experienced a COVID-19 related crime, violence, harassment, discrimination, bullying etc #ReportTheHate
If victims don't report these incidents, law enforcement resources will not be devoted to catch the perpetrators, and these acts will continue as perpetrators know they will get away with it.
If you need to report a crime or fear for your safety, call 911 immediately.
Call 311 to report incidents to NYC Commission on Human Rights or report the incident to the NYS Division on Human Rights. (You can only report to either the City or State . Not both.)
Report discrimination to NYC CHR.
Info About the entire process https://www1.nyc.gov/site/cchr/enforcement/steps-in-the-complaint-process.page
NY STATE DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. https://dhr.ny.gov/complaint
Governors Hate crime Task force https://www.ny.gov/content/hate-crime-report-incident
PROTECTING YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS AND COMBATING HATE CRIMES Call: 1-888-392-3644 or Text "HATE" to 81336 Residents who have experienced bias-motivated threats, harassment or discrimination are encouraged to call the toll-free hotline from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. open Monday-Friday. If you need to report a crime or fear your safety, call 911 immediately.
NYPD Hate crimes task force
Telephone: 1-888-440-HATE
Email: hctf@nypd.org
NYPD Asian Hate Crimes Task Force: Asianhctf@nypd.org